In the book Mourning has Broken, a Mom describes the deep heartbreak of losing her child. One day when she was out walking she noticed that she was finding pennies along this trail and somehow she knew it was him. She started to feel comforted and more at peace.
I too have found pennies for the last 15 years in the oddest places at the most unusual times. I can’t say exactly who is leaving them for me, maybe my beloved grandmother Elsie. I know somehow I am lucky in my life and as much as people say you create your own luck I also know I have gotten a bit of help along the way. Sometimes I will be with my fiance or one of my daughters and I will say. Look! see another penny. At first they all thought I was a bit crazy but now I think they see that maybe there is something to this penny thing.
Just the other day I was walking in the woods with a friend and lo and behold-right on the path was this tree that caught my eye. A bright shiny penny among many.